The FIT LEVEL includes a free APP for all your mobile devices.
The FIT LEVEL includes a free APP for all your mobile devices.
Fit Level tracks critical statistics for weightlifting. Athletes can now finally gauge a better understanding of their critical stats like velocity, acceleration, tilt and reps exerted during each repetition. This allows for the opportunity for athletes to view any up-to-date information they require at a given time. Understanding this important statistical information in a single rep gives athletes an unprecedented opportunity to quickly find solutions and avert harm from erroneous form; allowing athletes to have the chance to amplify their performance in with information that has been otherwise inaccessible.
Athletes are constantly getting bigger, faster and stronger; and records routinely getting broken. Fit Level provides an unprecedented medium to stay ahead of the ever changing competition! This is accomplished by implementing technology fundamental to ensuring every weightlifter performs at an optimum level, allowing athletes to stay ahead of the competition and also highlighting any measures failing to reach optimum performance by providing a statistical analysis.
You will feel and hear each repetition and have the opportunity to view your velocity and acceleration after each repetition. With this data you can break new records. The beauty of Fit Level device is that it helps the user gauge a better understanding of critical stats. These stats give all athletes, from our beginning youth to seasoned athletes, the technology fundamental to ensuring every weightlifter performs at an optimum level and obtaining maximum results. Fit Level app essentially providing an unprecedented medium for athletes to cheaply and conveniently gather a statistical analysis of their performance while weightlifting.
Athletes can now finally gauge a better understanding of their critical stats
This Fit Level device strives to ensure that you are exercising with great form and perfect bilateral symmetry
Fit Level provides an unprecedented medium for athletes to understand at any given moment whether they are at peak performance.
** Warnings – There are several, weight lifting exercise that can Injure you, make sure the level is secure and will not come loose and hurt you, make sure the level is in a position that will not interfere with the lift (not between the bar and your body), LiPo battery do not ship air, do not expose to excessive heat, do not disassemble, and whatever else you can think of. & ALWAYS HAVE A SPOTTER WHEN LIFTING WEIGHTS
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